How to bet on cricket: rules of the game and basic strategies for Gaming

Cricket is not widespread in Russia, but is rapidly gaining popularity in the world. Cricket tournaments are held in Great Britain, Australia, Canada, the Asian region and the Gulf countries.

Bookmakers offer pre-match and live betting on The share of live betting is about 70%.

The basic rules of cricket

Cricket is a non-contact team game using a ball and bat.

The standards of cricket have been set and revised since the late 18th century by the Marylebone Cricket Club, a London society founded in 1787. The code of rules includes a description of the ethics of the game and the structure of the match, sections with requirements for the field and equipment, the composition of teams and umpires, scoring and other nuances.


The meeting is held on an oval grass field 130-150 m long, in the center of which there is an earthen rectangle – pitch.

The end areas of the pitch are symmetrically divided into zones by marking lines – crises.

Parallel to the short boundary of the pitch on each side at a distance of 120 cm and 240 cm are bowling and popping crises.

Bowling crease – a line in the center of which a wicket of 3 vertical wooden posts with unfastened lintels on top – bails is installed.

Popping kriz – a line that separates a rectangle with a wicket in the middle from the free central area of the pitch.

Parallel to the long pitch boundary are 4 return curves 240 cm long, which limit the movement corridors for the pitcher.

Game Description

The object of the duel is to score more points, or wounds, than the opponent. Athletes use a leather-covered cork ball and wooden bats.

The main roles of the players are:

  • bowler;
  • batsman;
  • wicketkeeper.

The clubs shift back and forth between being the pitching and batting side. The competitors of the going after group take the field in full and play against 2 restricting batsmen, who take their puts on the pitching side.

The bowler of the pitching group makes a toss from the outfield to the contrary edge of the pitch to the restricting batsman. The defenders get the batted ball using any and all means accessible to acquire wounds. After 6 innings, a difference in bowler is led and a new over is begun.

The batsman’s undertaking is to bat against the pitch, send the ball quite far and race to the furthest edge of the contribute time to carry focuses to the batting side. The standards accommodate circumstances in which a batsman is out, for example, obliterating a wicket or a rival getting a batted ball before it raises a ruckus around town. Assuming that the batted ball arrives at the limit of the pitch, the batsman’s group scores.

The wicket guardian is the player who safeguards the wicket by remaining behind the batsman and getting unbeaten balls with his hands. The wicket attendant is the main player permitted by the principles to utilize gloves and safeguards.

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